Tag Archives: Visual Moonbounce

Visual Moonbounce

April 13th, 2014

The italian-dutch artist Daniela de Paulis is the inventor of visual moonbouce. Slow scan television is used to send pictures towards the moon. When the bounced signals will be received and visualized, the pictues are a kind of distorted and win a very special charm.

The pictures shown below are screenshots, I took during a performance on April 13th, 2014.

2014-04-13 visual Moonbounce 1 2014-04-13 visual Moonbounce 2I am very proud, that Daniela has choosen one of my pictures for her performance. It shows the moon resting on clouds and has been bounced at the moon.

Nando, I1NDP, transmitted a selection of pictures in SSTV, to be received by PI9CAM with the radiotelescope at Dwingeloo. Using a “GOOGLE Hangout”, an audience from all over the world watched live, how Daniela and her team (Nando, I1NDP, Jan, PA3FXB, and many more) were bouncing all the pictures at the moon.

A video recording of the session can be found here.